Used in the agro based Industry for packing of Tobacco, Tea, Coffee, Onion, Potato, Cotton, Wool, Rice, Wheat, Sugar, Pulses in tailor-made bags.
Hessian Sheets used in Nurseries, Jute Tubes for Construction purposes, Tobacco etc.
Packing of Machinaries, Nuts & Bolts.
90/95 Kgs capacity bags for Rice, wheat, other grains, pulses etc.
For Meat bags.
Heavy Cees bags for Grain and Cement packing.
Tarpaulin & Canvas
For manufacture of different types of bags including Postal MailBags, high quality Seed Bags.
Bitumen coated tarpaulin bags are used in the Fertiliser Industry.
Speciality Items
Hydro Carbon free Jute cloth/bags mainly for packing of Cocoa/Coffee/Shelled Nuts etc.
Shopping Bags, Carry Bags (Printed or not) with handles/chains / straps.
Bulk Packaging Bags for 500 Kg / 1000 Kg.
Polylined / Poly laminated Bags for packing of Rice & Sugar.
Odourless bags for Tea packing.
Hydrocarbon free hesiancloth :
It is a hessian fabric made from jute treated with vegetable oil and is totally free from the presence of hydrocarbon. Thus the fabric is free from hydrocarbon. Such bags can be safely used for packing of coffee, cocoa, peanut beans or other food grains without any contamination of hydrocarbon. Such bags are also free from any kerosenic smell.